Product Details
Propel yourself into the seriously surprising world of Sharks Top Trumps! Become closely acquainted with the bull shark, with its 300kg of muscle, it is the shark that has the most registered attacks! Find out more about the infamous great white shark, who can have 3000 sharp teeth at any one time, or the hammerhead shark, whose head is covered in tiny special sensors that help them detect electric fields in the water! This pack includes 30 of your favourite fearsome sharks and is bursting with facts about these fascinating creatures. Entertaining educational card game loved for bringing your favourite subjects to life. Play Top Trumps anytime, anywhere, with as many people as you like. Find out if the Nurse Shark or the Tiger Shark is the most mysterious, or if the Spiny Dogfish Shark or the Whale Shark has been involved in the most incidents. Easy-to-carry plastic case means there are no limits on gameplay. Prepare to outsmart your opponents, discover new and exciting shark facts and duel your way to becoming the Top Trump.